Gossip Girl 2.18 and 2.19 (spoilers)

Mar 28, 2009 22:34

WHAT THE FUCK. Blair is not going to Yale? She's back together with Nate? B and S are so on the rocks as to be completely uninterested in each other? Dan and Miss Stupid McStupid fucking in a costume cupboard?? Classy. Also, not loving the lists of past conquests, Rufus and Lily, seriously, is this high school all over again? You slept with more people than me so you're a slut? I won't even mention Chuck and that stupid girl he was chasing after on the sudden decision that he's in love with her after amazing fabulous sex. Because Chuck is so sweet and innocent that he's going to confuse afterglow with love, of course. WHUT.

But mainly I'm pissed off about Blair. WHAT. THE. FUCK. I understand if real life has the ups and the downs, and of course I'm not going to suddenly come into a pot of money that will allow me go off and do my PhD/law degree/whatever, but that doesn't mean that Blair shouldn't be able to. I know it's just a TV show, but if my wish-fulfilment show fails in the wish-fulfilment area, what the hell am I watching it for?

I am tired, I am hormonal, and I WANT SWEET HAPPY GIRLY TV, DAMNIT. *fume*
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