
Dec 25, 2008 15:19

Merry Christmas, everyone! I had a fab time hanging out with everyone at #yuletide long after midnight last night, scribbling away madly into the wee hours. Also dinner at parents' house went well - as did Xmas dinner, which was nummy - and today I am mostly full of food and booze. And fics. (yay for yuletide!!) There's some seriously good stuff this year, and I am already compiling a recs list, yup yup. (First up will be my gift fic, which is BEYOND AWESOMECAKES. I will hold off on the rec until I can be coherent, but rest assured that it is made entirely out of AWESOMENESS. Yes. *rereads*)

The plan for today is: more fic, followed by nap, followed by Doctor Who Xmas special in front of the telly with tea and biscuits, followed by more fic, followed by more tea, followed by bed. Followed by possible venture to the shops on Boxing Day, as my mother and I are shopping fiends, yes indeed. But, mostly? It's gonna be tea and biscuits all around.


yuletide, christmas

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