
Dec 20, 2008 19:37

Posted story half an hour ago, now I'm hanging out in the IRC room, beta-ing and also doing housework. This weekend *rocks*.

(Although I did spent most of the day shopping, which wasn't fun. 3 hours to finish off shopping, 1 hour to find non-hideous ribbon. WTF, world?)

Things I have yet to locate: Christmas day clothing (may have to settle for what I already have, and be creative), New Year's Eve party clothes (bleargh), New Year's Day Beautiful Hostess And Purveyor of Hangover Remedies outfit (oh god, why is everything on sale pink and glittery???).

ETA: forgot to say the less fun but sadly very obvious news that I have succumbed to the nasty cold/vomiting/cramps/fever/aches virus thing that has been going around. Which is different from the vomiting/fever/aches/dizziness/passing out virus that went around a month ago. One of the perks of working in an international office: you get all the variants of whatever's going around the entire effing world. I suppose I should be lucky it's not malaria. (Although that would ROCK. OK, it probably wouldn't. BUT.)

yuletide, shopping

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