Gacked from
likeadeuce: Put your MP3 player on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results. The first line of the twenty-first is the title.
I had to cheat a little, since a surprising number of instrumentals came up. But here are the first twenty lines of the first twenty songs with vocals. I've messed around a little with the punctuation, of course, but other than that...
You can.
Shake an apple off an apple tree;
ain't no sunshine.
When she's gone, I wear a disguise.
Now there's a back-seat lover,
I've loaded up a good thing -
Watch me ride...
Suavamente, besame
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain.
(Who lives in a house like this?)
There's something
lucky - you were born that far away, so
cosy in the rocket.
(We were nameless)
I feel so unsure;
no clouds in my storms.
Maybe I didn't treat you quite as good as I should have.
You have me, I was born.
In a forked-tongued story,
It's a mean and stormy night.
(You walk in.)
It's art, I tells you! Art!!