Admin-y note

Nov 03, 2008 15:28

We are changing our phone-line provider (and broadband provider) over the next month. This means that I will not have a phone-line for about a week, and broadband for a further two weeks. I will continue to have internet access for a little while longer (courtesy of Old Work's wifi laptop gadgets) but, come Friday, I shall be departing Old Work. And will not be spending New Work's time on personal internet-fu. Because I am dedicated and full of good intentions.


1. I can't post pictures of my costume just yet - work laptop will not talk to phone, poo. Will have to wait until I am properly returned.

2. I have signed up for yuletide! Well, ok, I signed up twice, because I always change my mind on what fandoms to offer and always get too exciteable and offer everything in my 'first run' sign-up. I then do a more considered, less crazy sign-up, featuring fandoms that will not cause me acute pain and stabbing of the eyes if I end up having them assigned. I am so excited already!

3. After 7th Nov, I will only have access to email (managed by my exciting google-enabled phone) for hopefully a week, but most likely two weeks. I could probably browse lj, but it will cost me a fortune. So pls email me if you need to get in touch/are posting momentous news/want to meet up, for my lj-fu will be lacking for a little bit.

4. I want to stay up all night Tuesday night and watch the election, ready with a really big stick if people are stupid. But I suspect that I may fall asleep instead. Hmmm. Stupid time difference.

5. I'm reading Antarctica, by Kim Stanley Robinson. It makes me happy. In a full-of-rage, militant environmentalist sort of way. (You didn't know that I was a militant environmentalist, did you? Only when it comes to politics. And the ANWR. And Antarctica. And any forests, anywhere. And fish. No, really. I bored athena25 to tears during my undergrad dissertation, when my only topics of conversation were 1. fish; 2. trees; 3. cars. Yes. But I feel much more informed, now. Also, anyone who thinks that Palin's plan to drill ANWR will 1) not cause that much damage and/or 2) will get America lots of oil needs to get off their lazy arses and read the damn report. 2002, available on the website, says it will do neither of those things, do not drill Mr President you crazy idiot, it will not deliver what you think it will deliver. It beggars belief that Palin did not read this report, given that Alaska is her state.)

*pant pant*

OK, that's me done. Will continue posting/reading/commenting until Friday. (Expect Weds morning's post to be a doozy.)

news, yuletide, on hiatus, politics

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