Catch-up of epic proportions

Oct 25, 2008 17:40

I took the day off today. This is in response to my body basically breaking yesterday, which I suspect had something to do with me going out to dinner Thursday evening. (Spent Thursday night sick as a dog, not fun. I think my body has decided to be allergic to anything not caffeine-related.) I did mostly nothing, but caught up on some reading and watched the second half of The State Within. Am contemplating either a really brainless movie or a really arty one this evening. I have enough stock-piled so I don't need to rent anything, but I may have to venture out to the corner store for popcorn and chocolate. Horrors.


Work has been unbearably busy, see above re: breakage. I have been working an inhuman number of hours. Hopefully that's coming to an end as I am slowly approaching hitting (or missing, as the case may be) the deadlines. wingsmith pointed out that I was within my rights to just work my contracted hours at this stage, but I don't want to have a million and one arguments, and would like to part on good terms. Also, it would be screwing over a lot of people who never did anything to me, so I'm eager to avoid that. I am more eager to avoid major breakage, however, so will be dialling things down a notch. Hence taking most of the weekend off.


In non-work related matters, I am trying to get my social planner back on track. This coming week and the week after look rather busy, and my weekends have basically disappeared until the new year. I have no idea how that happened, frankly, I'm a little surprised as I don't recall planning anything during those months. But what with birthdays and hen parties and a wedding to attend, that's wrapped up most of the remaining year.

So - what I really need to do is find a winter dress for a wedding. For two weddings, actually. I have formal wear for the summer, but nothing suitable for the winter. Any thoughts or suggestions?


As I mentioned in my last post, I'm also taking Arabic. My mother has decided that it is best if I don't tell my father that I am doing this. I don't think he'd mind if I was going to be doing a desk-job for the rest of my life, but given that my chosen career will be putting me in the path of bullets at some point, he's not too terribly keen on me being more qualified than the competitors to be sent out on the field. Say 'Arabic' to him and he'll be convinced that I'll be gunned down in Afghanistan or Iraq. Mind you, he's not too keen on the possibility of the Sudan, either, and when I said that I'll be continuing with French he immediately wailed about how I'd be sent off to the DRC. So, there is that. I think he was okay with me studying all this when he thought that I'd go off on a nice safe posting with the UN, hopefully to Eastern Europe, but then Georgia and Chechnya flared up, and now even that doesn't look safe enough for him. I pointed out that I'm unlikely to be sent out to deal with the crippling famine in the French Riviera, but this didn't help matters. My mother hmm-ed a great deal, and reminded me to eat properly, and dress warmly, and I have such a delicate constitution, etc. Parents.


The fandom nominations are open for yuletide! I look forward to yuletide every year, it's the one ficathon where I always have time to write and don't feel rushed. I don't usually submit fandom nominations, as there is always plenty for me to volunteer for, but as it's here...

After much to-ing and fro-ing, I finally decided on:

- State of Play
- The State Within
- Deadwood
- Sex and the City
- St Trinian's
- David Feintuch - Seafort Saga (queenspanky, this is the series I was demanding fic for)

I love plenty of other small fandoms, but I suspect that things like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Secretary will have plenty of nominations, whereas the above are small even for yuletide. So. :)

In honour of yuletide (and of me taking the weekend off), comment with a rare fandom, a character suggestion and a prompt, and I'll drabble you something. (Caveat: this offer only stretches to fandoms I've actually heard of, so if you're not sure, offer a selection, pls.)

yuletide, fic: other, shopping, drabbles, arabic, work

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