JKR's Sirius & James fic - question

Oct 08, 2008 22:21

Would my HP-inclined compatriots be interested in the fic that JKR wrote for the 'What's Your Story' collection? It was a limited edition book (to raise money for charity) featuring handwritten postcard fics by various authors, including JKR penning a very short fic with James and Sirius on a motorcycle through Muggle London. I'm offering now because I understand that the book is no longer in print (and while it was, it was only available in very selected places), so I wouldn't be drawing money away from the charities concerned, and I'm recommend that people who want to read the fic make a donation to those charities in lieu of purchase. Thoughts? If there is interest, and it hasn't already been scanned in my some enterprising young qhippersnapper, I will type it up.

harry potter

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