HP recs pls?

Sep 25, 2008 01:15

I've been reading HP fic again. One of the joys of being away from a fandom for a long time is going back & finding all the new fic. One of the horrors of being away from fandom is going back and finding that everyone has been writing on crack. I mean, seriously, guys? Seriously??

Maybe I'm just having trouble tracking down the good fics. Pls could someone rec me stuff on the following golden dozen:

1. Lily and Snape post-Hogwarts, wherein Lily is not a two-timing slut and Snape isn't a helpless woobie and they're not still sekkrit best friends f'evah. Please.

2. On the same (sorta) topic, James and Snape post-Hogwarts, please? Possibly with Lily. They don't even have to interact. But to my reckoning, there is a lot that needed to be said that didn't even up being said between those three (up to and including Lily calling James out on his bullying ways). You could even do it as a sort of post-DH thing, I suppose.

3. Marauders-fic, wherein the gittishness of their actions is hammered home, without Snape-the-woobie rearing his ugly head. All I've seen thus far is portrayals of the Marauders that wouldn't be out of place at a Death Eater meeting. Call me crazy, but I don't think that JKR would hold them up to be shining examples of anything if they went around torturing and raping their way through school. Tormenting, yes. Making some people's lives a misery, yes. But nothing that would merit time in Azkaban. (This tends to be partnered with woobie!Snape, where he is so terribly beat down by everyone around him. Sometimes someone will take pity on him, and he clings pathetically. Sometimes it's just a case of 'let's squish Snape'. It drives me nutty.)

4. Can we please stop beating on Ginny? Some Ginny-and-Hermione fic would be great. (No slash, pls, just friendship.)

5. Ron/Hermione fic would be loved like a very loved thing. I adore this couple. I can't help it. Especially in light of Ron wanting to save house elves. Yes.

6. The Malfoys as a family. Maybe their friendship with Snape. I have many thoughts on Snape's relationship with Draco (not like that, minds out of the gutter) that I'd like to write about at some point. But - post-DH Malfoys.

7. The Dursleys. Post-DH. Any of them, really, especially if it's them running into Harry again.

8. Oh, uh, Snape/Sirius remains my OTP. I had this whole thing mapped out in my head, an HP/Crow crossover, where Sirius comes back from the dead a year after his death in order to help avenge his death & help Harry, and is found by Snape, who takes him to the safest place around - Dumbledore's office - and... ok, I forgot what happened at that point. But it was definitely a 'bring-back-Sirius' fic during the DH timeframe. Anything that brings him back but keeps HBP and DH canon compliant would make me happy.

9. Speaking of DH-compliance, Neville during that time. Please?

10. OK. No one will actually have done this, but I can't possibly the only one who wants to squish timelines together and bring current knowledge to the past, aka someone from the HP timeframe goes back to the Marauders-era and starts to make changes. I know the problems that would arise, of course - paradox, cliche, boringness - but I'm willing to risk it. It could be awesome.

11. Magic. Something on awesome magic use. Or rituals of some kind. Mostly, I want to see people learning stuff. Because I'm actually a big geek.

12. I lied, it was only 11 requests. Except I'm asking for DH-compliant SS/SB fics (where both live - and a reason is given, not just 'and they both somehow survived, sex to follow). Twice. Yes.


I'm so looking forward to Halloween. Is anyone as excited as me??? Maybe 6 year olds. *bounce*

harry potter

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