Xmas at Casa del K

Dec 27, 2007 14:42

I'm back home, thank god. This Christmas was survived without an almighty familial row, and I therefore count it as A Success (tm).

My brother seems determined to sprout roots. I am vaguely horrified by this. True, my festive plans also involve sitting on a variety of things, but also include at least a token effort at clothing. He's just sitting in bed on his computer. I had planned a long speech about how one mustn't let pornography keep one from the chocolate, but then it turned out that he was actually playing World of Warcraft. OK, then.

He also seemed more flummoxed than anything by the present I got him (a day driving tanks & shooting things), but perked up quite a bit at the thought that he could bring his mates with him. Presumably to be shot at. (I didn't ask.) Although I still think that he'd been hoping for a Nintendo Wii. (No. I refuse. I will spend mo more of my hard-earned cash on computer games & consoles so he can put down even more roots.) He also seemed rather put out at the sheer size of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norell, especially when I informed him that he was expected to read & report on said book by the end of the year. (Otherwise he'll spend the rest of his life re-reading his old Terry Pratchetts.)

Honestly, it's like an up-hill struggle with him, sometimes. Last year he wanted a subscription to The Economist, which he duly received, and who's been reading it? Dad. *sigh* He did seem to like his various Bladerunner bits of clothing, mind you. There's a story there (a long, boring story, but a story nonetheless). Suffice to say that to make up for sending us a Kevlar-lined black hoodie rather late, and following much angst on my part, Bladerunner included another hoodie (not lined, but still nice) and a T-shirt with our order, briefly confusing my mother (and me, who was on the phone, while mum seemed incapable of describing the contents of the package in words not the Bulgarian equivalent of 'thingie' and 'whatchalmackalit'). Not sure if he received said bits & pieces for Xmas or his birthday, as he decided to bugger off up to Liverpool to celebrate growing older, but... *shrug*

So, hey, success.

Parents seemed thrilled with their gifts, and wore them all the time I was there (mother got a silver & amber necklace, which - OK, I took her shopping with me and she picked out, so she was guaranteed to love it - and father got a forest-green cashmere sweater, whereupon he could not complain about us wasting money on Xmas gifts because it was clothing. Bonza.). I got ROME S2 from my brother, a pair of beautiful black leather shoe-boots by Kurt Geiger from my mother (they are very punky, I love them lots) and a pile of spending cash from dad (the traditional source of Xmas loot).

I then took said festive loot and purchased the following:
- Life on Mars S2 (S1 was ordered on-line, and should be here soon... I hope!)
- Hot Fuzz (so much squee!!)

Wondered about Sunshine, but have seen it recently, and Unusual Suspects, except that I know that film by heart. So I was frugal and just went for Brit classics. *polishes halo*

Also briefly toyed with the idea of a monochrome sequined silk skirt from Monsoon, but decided that I didn't really have a purpose for it. Other than the normal purpose of hanging it in my wardrobe and finding that it goes with nothing.

I think I've grown as a person.


In non-acquisition-related news, my cold has made a tactical retreat. I think it's because of that tea mum's been feeding me. I thought that it was 'ginger, honey & lemon' - that awful twinings mix, why twinings, why?? - but it was really strong to be from that. Also, it seemed to take her ten minutes to make me a cup. What's going on? As it turned out, she had to grate the ginger and squeeze the lemon and do various other things - yes, she was brewing the bastard thing up from scratch. No wonder it took the lining of my oesophagus off as it was going down. Worked a treat, though, I feel almost human. Ridiculously tired, though - must have a nap every three hours or so. More often if I've made the mistake of venturing outside for longer than three seconds. It'd be amusing if it wasn't happening to me. :)

I have returned home with a small mountain of foodstuffs. Most of it has gone in the freezer. There are, however, various cooked things that need eating reasonably soon. I'm not sure how many stuffed vine leaves my mother thinks a person can eat in a single sitting, especially as they each weigh about the size of a cat. Mmm, cats.


Although not for eating, obviously.


Right, clearly this is the time for a nap. Back in an hour or so.

christmas, shopping, presents, real life (tm)

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