Dec 12, 2007 00:17

I'm done!!! True, I may have to do resits, but I do not care, exams are over for at least 6 months, and if I'm very very lucky, forever, and I am so so so happy I am done!!! *dances*

In celebration, I did lots of dishes, swept the kitchen floor, wiped down the surfaces, cleaned the bathroom - it is now sparkly - did ten million rounds of washing and hoovered the upstairs. And changed my sheets.

Tomorrow, I have work. Work will consist of cake (10.30 - 1pm), then Christmas lunch (1pm-5pm), then Christmas party (5pm - midnight). I am quite happy about this.

I have ten million fannish things to do, including my fire_fic, my yuletide fic (ZOMG, must re-watch source, I cannot remember any of it), and to start work on the faith-a-thon. Which should be swell. *glows*

No more exams!

joy, exams

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