Unpublished Star Trek novel - free to good homes

Aug 28, 2007 18:51

If, like me, you picked up 'Probe', read a chapter and put it down, disappointed, you might be forgiven for thinking that Margaret Wander Bonanno lost her touch following 'Strangers From the Sky'. After, 'Probe' sounded nothing like her...

Well, as it turns out, that's because it wasn't by her. It was written by a whole batch of writers, and she ended up penning only 7% of the finished product. Boy, does it show.

As a long-time MWB fan, as I was thus delighted to learn that the original version of the novel is available online. It followed up Cleante and T'Shael's stories from 'Dwellers in the Crucible' (another favourite), and focused on the alien probe in STIV. You can get it by emailing her directly or, as I ended up doing, tracking down one of the numerous websites that kept copies of it. It's a hefty read - 0.75MB in .pdf format - but it's MWB, guys. If anyone wants a copy, drop me a note, and I will email it out.

And for those concerned about such things - this thing is 100% completely legal, with lawyers saying so and everything. So there.




migraine now passed. About fucking time, too.



courtesy of athena25 I saw 'All About My Mother', the world premier of the english translation and oooooh, it was so wonderful! Oh, Diana Rigg, how much do I love thee!! Oh, mark gatiss! Oh, wonderful woman playing the lead whose name has completely escaped me but she's in everything, you're all wonderful!

Unfortunately, I missed the last 15 minutes or so due to said migraine (see above) arriving and making the bright lights on stage somewhat, erm, excrutiatingly painful. So I shall simply have to go see it again, to get the full flavour. Oh noes! *g*

Seriously, this is a real gem. Go see it if at all possible, if only to hear Diana Rigg saying, "It's been thirty years since I sucked cock." Because, YES.


theatre review, star trek

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