BtVS double drabble

Aug 21, 2007 00:30

Wrist update: it's a little better. Somewhat useable, in any case, but I've still got the brace, obviously. I have work tomorrow, then many days off. This is good.

Double-drabble in the meantime.

Title: the sum of all things
Fandom: BtVS
Summary: Buffy, during Earshot (S3). Should probably warn for ickiness. *shrug*


She's a rag and bone shop, now, a basket full of other people's trash. Little secrets, thoughts and touches, all the dirty red things they'd all done, all sent crawling under her skin like an army of spiders, skitter skitter skitter, millions of tiny pinpricks in her brain.

// Cordelia surreptitiously passing him a note during class, with nothing on it except a time and 'closet' in tiny perfect handwriting - //

It will take a while to sort through it all, Giles tells her. The aftermath is an ice cream headache with lingering pain behind her eyelids; too much strain on all her senses at once. It will take some time, but she'll get through it. He has faith in her.

// Willow's face in the mirror, and salt on the dressing table, and the pencil rising, rising … //

She runs a bath. Sits in it for three solid hours, eyes closed.

// Wide, strong hands at her waist, lifting her up on to the cold metal of the police car; her skirt riding up; something thick pressing at her hip; a flash of blue eyes and low, familiar laughter - //

She doesn't think she's ever gonna get clean.



You know what would be awesome? Someone pointing me to all the hot S/A A:tS S5 first-time fic. Yes, I know they've been shagging like bunnies for hundreds of years. I choose to live in denail for the purposes of Teh Hot. Go on, you know you want to.

fic: btvs

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