Ah, the smell of the weekend!

Aug 04, 2007 22:41

I had a Day With The Parents (tm) today. I spent six hours, no joke, playing "dress up kangeiko" with my mum, which basically involved being a living doll for a while. But it was her birthday, so I endured. Anyway, I persuaded her to splurge on some very pretty clothes in the sale, so it's all good.

My brother, bless him, bought me the HP5 game for the PC, so I've been swearing at my computer for a good few hours, now. It's fun, though! I am completely crap at computer games, I really need the simplest ones to keep me happy for hours. (I was the one person who was dismayed when Sid Meyer's Civilisation went to IV and got all three-dee on our arses.) I've thus far mastered four spells (well, two, and the other two I still need to look on the 'hints' screen all the time) and have put together several broken things. And!! I didn't fall down the stairs, even when they moved. I am clearly win.

I'm now catching up on the stuff posted to fandom_flies and fandomtossed, and staring in disbelief at the number of comments that LJ has yet to respond to. Seriously, people, have they gone away for the weekend or something??

Right. S3 of Buffy beckons.

(xposted to all 3 journals)

real life (tm), censorship, harry potter

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