Useful things in light of LJ crappiness

Aug 03, 2007 19:20

I bring you other people's useful guides. These are fabulous.

- How to back-up your lj entries onto your very own personal archive: here

- How to upload your lj entries onto another provider (such as insane journal or livejournal): here.

- How to syndicate your friends from GL or IJ onto your LJ flist (or vice versa): here.

- How to post to multiple journals at once: here.

- Other useful advice: here.


Come join us at fandom_flies for the plotting of the mass exodus!

I am currently listed as kangeiko at both IJ and GJ, so please contact me there if you are moving!


ETA: From fandomtossed over at GL:

Dear LJ,

You are screwed. Contracts can't change online without notice, court rules.

No love,


livejournal, censorship, fandom flies

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