Mid-way through HP7

Jul 21, 2007 14:26

I had a lot of trouble starting this book - the reluctance! The enforced adulthood waiting at the end! The need to do the dishes! - but I finally did, and I'm glad. I'm halfway through, and wanted to write down what I think on things before I reach the end and have everything revealed.

Harry - is a lot more grown-up, now, isn't he? He's definitely interested in Ginny in very specific ways. And he's in the real world, in a war. I can't quite contain my 'squee!' at actually being given a war zone, as opposed to being back at Hogwarts, battling other students. Harry's more adult than child, now and, well, I never really liked him as a child - or, to be more specific, a teenager - but I think that I like him a great deal in this book. He makes several good points about Dumbledore's choices at his age, and he's not off raving about Snape, or Voldemort, or running headlong into danger. He's instead trying to make reasoned choices and outthink Voldemort. I couldn't be prouder! *beam*

Hermione - my oh my, won't this raise some fuss amongst the Harmonians? I'm speaking, of course, of the 'couplehood' of Hermione and Ron, and having Ron leave - and Hermione ostensibly choose Harry. Except, well, I'm not a Harmonian and I don't think she did. I think she chose the mission, as it related to her. She knows that Harry needs her, and she doesn't have anyone else to worry about and thus divide her loyalties, so she stays put. Sending her parents to Australia with a memory charm made me ridiculously happy, as in "Poppies" I had her do the same thing, albeit with a trip to America. The practicality of this made me squee aloud, especially the bit about her having told them too much about Harry. Much love for Hermione - especially for having her be so well prepared for war.

Ron - the first person who accuses Ron of cowardice gets beaten with a wet fish. Ron left his family in the middle of a Death Eater siege, and he knows that his sister has been left in an infiltrated Hogwarts - yes, he's scared - for them. And I totally see his point about the lack of plan. And standing up for Ginny after Harry smooches her, hee! That's what big brothers are for.

Dumbledore -It's Xavier on crack. Once upon a time, Dumbledore hung out with Grindelwald... I am wanting fic of this, immediately. One of the serious flaws of the earlier books was how we were always expected to take Dumbledore as a sort of infallible figure - the god in the machine, the one ultimately in the position to save everything... And he's not. Or, rather, he might have been, but he's got quite a few skelletons in his closet. I am also loving the fact that I have to take Rita Skeeter's word for this, as the evidence seems to be backing her up! That's a lot of fun.

Things I want to know - wait - did Grindelwald steal the whateveritwas from Grigorovitch (or whatever his name was)? Because, shouldn't he be dead? Or old? Or - not? WTF is the thing that Voldemort wanted? Was Dumbledore a young nazi/death eater/whatever the vogue was at the time, really, or did he just dabble? WTF went on with his sister???

Snape - ... seems to have had three lines thus far. yeah, he's Headmaster, but that's sorta background stuff, isn't it? I expect that he won't feature until we adjourn to Hogwarts at some later point in the book, and we'll find out what the hell's going on.

Draco - I'm actually feeling rather sorry for him at the moment, and Lucius and Narcissa, too. Not so great to have an insane dicator back to full power, is it? Hmmm?

Voldemort - is a scary, scary bastard. Bathilda!! *quiver* OK, that was suitably horrifying.

The Dursleys - Oh, Dudley! *g* That made me exceptionally happy, it really did. I am wondering what it is that Petunia wanted to say to Harry as she was leaving...

Stuff - Ah, we were right about Rabastan! That will make everyone happy, I'm sure. I'm happy about Kreacher actually having a point, and about Sirius really actually having been quite a bastard, at least to him - and Harry realising that. How happy am I at Harry's much-awaited maturity? VERY. VERY VERY VERY.

I want more battles, OMG!!

*dives back into the second half*

book review, books, nyr: books

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