1602/Angelverse FIC: Ge bene Hinnom - Part 2

Feb 04, 2007 02:00

ETA: Why oh why did Semagic eat my headings to this? I may never know. Woe.

Let's try it again:

For selenak, because I promised to carry on working on this, and because it's finally coming together. :-)

Title: Ge bene Hinnom
Author: kangeiko
Fandoms: Angel / 1602
Summary: Man-like demons stalk the New World, and the Roanoke colony falters. In response, a ( Read more... )

fic: 1602, fic: angel

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kangeiko February 4 2007, 23:01:59 UTC
Firstly: squeeeee, you continue this!

Of course I did! *g* I still owe you for the Angel/SFU crossover. More to the point, it's been eating my brain. I've got half of part 3 already written, so it's coming along nicely.

Secondly: your Sir Arthur is such period character, which makes me v. v. v. happy, as too much fic, pro or fan alike, never takes that trouble.

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you like Sir Arthur, 'cause he's sort of set up residence in my brain. He was initially only meant to appear for a few scenes, but it's so much easier to use him to guide the narrative (rather than switching around) that he'll be around until - well, he leaves. *g*

Thirdly: ohhhhhhh, I smell intrigue. Lucille will replace Virginia, which is a neat Elizabethan theatre identity switch, and makes the Virginia we meet in 1602 a Slayer....

Almost right. *g* You're right about the switch, Lucille will take Virginia's place. Actually, that's what held up part 2 for so long, as she wasn't going to take Virginia's place in the original draft, but end up as a bondswoman. That said, I needed her to do quite a few things that she wouldn't be able to do as a bondswoman, but would be able to do as Virginia Dare, hence the switch.

Besides which, in the Original History (i.e. ours) Virginia died along with the rest of the colony. I'm just restoring the timeline. *g*

One thing - Lucille is still just a potential, and will remain so for a long while yet. So, the Virginia we see in 1602 has not yet been called, and is still as human as, well, the rest of the 1602 characters. *g*


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