Xmas viewing

Dec 26, 2006 23:37

I'm going to second selenak's squee over the Doctor Who Xmas special. What better way to squeal over the holidays than to indulge in the Doctor?

Like many, I was a little dubious about Catherine Tate in the 'companion' role - for however short a time - because I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to stand her, to be honest. All I could think of when I first saw her was 'am I bovvered?' and was squirming inside. But, you know what? I needn't have worried. She made Donna into a rounded character - one I could sympathise with - and I adored her first meeting with the Doctor. "What? What? What?!" Bless him!

I was also impressed with how gently the subject of Rose was raised and dropped, raised and dropped - it was obviously something that weighed on the Doctor's mind, but it was also something he was trying to put behind him. I was also impressed with the Doctor's treatment of the Rachna (Arachae?) and Donna's horror at his actions.

My word, but I was impressed with this! Daniel Craig makes for a very sexy, very cold-hearted James Bond, wich I obviously adored. Who doesn't find a cold-hearted, blood-spattered man sexy? (What do you mean, I've got issues?) Anyway. My brother and I were trying to decide if Vesper would die or turn out evil... by the time he declared his love for her, it was obvious that she'd die and turn out evil. 'Tis the way of Bond.

I also loved M and Villiers - awww, Tobias Menzies! I'll bet you anything there's Villiers/Bond slash out there 'cause Toby's so cute BUT I'm more of a Bond/M kinda gal. Obviously slightly scary in anything other than PG-13 form, but M is a scary, sexy lady.

Much love for the Aston Martin. Even more love for the brutal, undignified, horrifying torture scene. It didn't make torture look sexy or appealing, and I salute them for that.

Bring on the next movie!

Also, I got many, many presents.

- Cash - always needed.
- The West Wing Season 7
- Elizabeth Arden beauty care lovelies
- Lovely, lovely books, including The Skeptical Environmentalist and The Guide to Elegance, and from queenspanky, The Art of Teese - mmmmm..... *purrs*
- Electric toothbrush-thingie which shall doubtless take me years to master (electrical appliances and me are unmixy things)
- seamed stockings & various other clothing lovelies

I also discovered various other bits and pieces that I'd thought I'd lost, including a porcelain lacquered jewellery box, inlaid with 24 carat gold and with beautiful gold-upon-copper etchings of a pavilion amidst falling cherry blossoms. The sales also yielded a beautiful Mucha calendar, and 40 degrees below, which is one of Kim Stanley Robinson's environmental books.

I am very pleased indeed. *glows*

Back home tomorrow, for to sleep some more. Yes.

doctor who, christmas, movies, presents

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