Carnivale fic question! (aka qu'est-ce que le fuck?)

Dec 19, 2006 17:56

I am stuck in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully, wireless internet was eventually located, and thus I am not going crazy. Buckinghamshire is covered in frost, and there is plenty of tea and apples.

I have questions relating to S2 of Carnivale, given that I am writing an Alias/Carnivale fic for bluerosefairy. My questions is S2-spoilery and is based on the Carnivale wikipedia entry as the source of all knowledge (tm):

Wikipedia tells us that Alexei (aka Brother Justin) is Sofie's father, to which I respond with a big fat - HUH?! What the hell are the timelines in this thing? The Dustbowl/Depression events chronicles in both storylines did not take place over such a long period of time as to allow it to happen. Or did Justin travel back in time? Or what? How the bloody hell could he end up across the continental US raping Apollonia when she's dead by the beginning of S1??

Please for to help me with this, as it is driving me slightly batty.


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