Stolen shamelessly from
likeadeuce. I went for a slight twist on this, as I have been navel-gazing more and more recently.
10 Unpopular Fannish Fandom Opinions
1. Having two male characters decide that they want a baby is enough justification for an MPREG fic. There's the issue of - well, it's not physically possible. Why is people wanting something seen
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It's the latter example that I was really talking about. Having MPREG in a fandom like Harry Potter or even Buffy can be explained easily with magic - and indeed can be used to produce some interesting and fabulous fic (I'm thinking of the one fic in particular, where Dumbledore ends up pregnant with a Voldemort shrunk back to zygote size... it's more Rosemary's Baby than anything else and it's fabulous). However, there is no excuse for AMERICAN IDOL RPS MREG. Yes, you read that right. It's RPS. And it's mpreg.
The day that Simon Cowell turns up pregnant is the day that I eat my hat.
Again word. & it also needs to have an effect on the characters & their world outside of the "aw, it's so nice you have love."
OMG, bad characterization sucks donkey bits. Unless they have amnisia or some other soap opera ailement, this never works. I've been guilty of this & I'm sorry about it (tried to fix it too, but I ended up just hating my fail more.)
Ditto. But, hey, at least we're aware of it now and watch out for it when writing - there are writers out there that feel it's a valid aritistic choice. *mind = boggling*
But all are v. in-character b/c the canon characters are v. strong & easy to use in new enviroments without damaging too much of their pasts.
See, I think there's a difference between the AUs where the characters are clearly identifiable and the ones that just use the character names to write original fic. Using the Buffy canon Wishverse, the Xena/Hercules, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Hercules!", the Star Treek Mirrorverse - all of these AUs use characters that we are familiar with and those characters are still regoniseable. However, it's not the same as calling it an AU because you didn't like character X's development and so decided to make them fall in love with an OFC and make them have babies. That's not an AU, that's just canon-rape.
But you know what, in some fandoms it's the experiences that make the character & you can't change them.
WORD. Or, LOST, as my actual example. :)
Thank you for reminding me why I left the HP fandom.
The people complaining about being spoiled for the book cover (!!) were just the best, weren't they? I wonder how they survived in the real world...
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