Making me cry / making me hide

Oct 28, 2006 18:30

Stolen from selenak:

10 TV moments which have made me cry - in no particular order:

1. Doctor Who, in "Father's Day", when Rose says in a very small voice, "you're my daddy". That one breaks my heart every time, because it is such perfect familial love - the daughter who finds out that her dad is as great a person as she thinks he is, and who would love her just as much as she always imagined he would have, and the father who gives everything up for his child. I was bawling during that episode.

2. Angel, where Spike says, very quietly, "there's a hole in the world", and we see Angel's expression. It's not Fred's death that got to me in that episode, it's feeling the horror and helplessness of everyone around her as they try to save her.

3. The West Wing, and CJ's voice breaking as she yells at Nancy McNally in the Women of Qumar. I burst into tears myself and they didn't get any better when Toby crossed his hands over his chest during her press conference to show that he was sorry.

4. Buffy, in "Normal Again", giving up normality to save her friends. Greater love hath no woman, and it reduced me to tears.

5. Sex and the City - I can't remember the episode - "One"? - in the fifth season where Charlotte has a miscarriage and is curled up on the sofa, looking awful. Carrie just hugs her, ever so gently, asks if she can bring her some herbal tea. And, afterwards, when Charlotte gets up and gets dressed and goes back out - oh, god, it broke my heart.

6. Alias, where Arvin cries over Jacqueline in "In Dreams". Emily's grief got me going as well - in fact, that entire episode had me weeping. It's why I can't watch it that often, despite the amazing performances.

7. Buffy again, and Buffy finding her mother dead on the couch in The Body. Her plaintive - "Mom? Mom? Mommy?" and her frantic attempts to revive her - as well as the horrible sequence where she imagines that she's succeeded and you have a horrible moment of believing it with her - is absolutely heart-wrenching.

8. Babylon 5, and Londo accepting the Keeper in "The Fall of Centauri Prime". I agree with selenak, I can't watch this episode that often because of the sheer gut-wrenching horror it puts Londo through.

9. Scrubs, Season 3, watching Dr Cox cry at Ben's funeral, Jordan at his side and JD squeezing his shoulder. I was such an idiot, I totally didn't clock that Ben had died until about three seconds before JD asked "Where do you think we are?" and I realsed. Rewatching it and knowing what really happened doesn't take away the tear-inducing qualities.

10. DSN, "Duet", when Maritza is stabbed and dies in Kira's arms. Even as a child, I was in tears at the injustice of it all.

Things that I also wanted to include were:

- The aftermath of Mrs Landingham's death in "Two cathedrals".
- The blowing up of the station in Babylon 5's last episode
- When Lynette says, "I love my kids so much; I'm so sorry they have me as a mother" in Desperate Housewives.
- When CJ is told about Simon's death in The West Wing.
- When Sam Carter hugs Cassandra in SG:1 as they sit and wait for the bomb in Cassandra's heart to explode.

In general, I tended to opt for displays of familial love (& loss) and for the 'greater love hath no (wo)man' self-sacrifical scenes.

5 TV Moments Which Made Me Afraid:

1. X-Files - "Home". Oh sweet Jesus, I was a wreck.

2. Doctor Who - "are you my mummy?" The first half of the two-parter that had me literally hiding behind cushions and holding on to athena25 with all my strength.

3. Carnivale - Again, I agree with selenak, the final scene of "Pick a Number" with Dora Mae staring emptily out at Samson and an arm reaching out from behind her. Gang-raped for all eternity - now that's an afterlife to give you nightmares.

4. BSG, when Kara walks through the clinic on Caprica and is begged by the women hooked up to the machines to turn them off, to kill them. Crying with fear? Why, yes, I was.

5. Spooks, when the suspected terrorist played by Alexander Siddig hugs the actual terorist - a little boy - and says "we're going to heaven" as the boy blows them both up. Oh. My. God.

Some others:
- The near-miss lobotomy Scully almost gets in "Urhuhe" (The X-Files) - eye-related things scare me.
- The Gentlemen in Buffy's "Hush".
- My first look at the Shadows in Babylon 5, and, later, Lyta saying "they tore him apart" and seeing Kosh's destroyed encounter suit.
- The cannibal fitness trainer offering Grissom her last human-shake in CSI.

fandom, meme

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