Scary stories

Oct 17, 2006 17:38

I met up with my mum today, who is feeling much better and had the day off work. Seeing as I, too, had the day off work, we met up at Selfridges, had lunch and did shopping-related things. I now have expensive face cream and a cute new top, and she also wanted to buy me a fur-like hat that was very Russian and that (worryingly) suited me a great deal. As did the men's trilby I tried on. I convinced her to not buy either of them, as I own approximately my own weight in hats. However, I was pleased at the thought.

Anyway! We were in John Lewis, and they appear to be the only department store that are actually bothering with halloween this year instead of skipping straight to Christmas. I ask you, what is the world coming to? Are eldritchhobbit and myself the only people so excited about Teh Scary Theeeeengs in all of middle-earth? Hmmmm.

Come Halloween, we're going to be eating and watching scary movies. This has been compromise, as we were initially going to party, but it turns out that we don't have a handy weekend date for that. I'm also going to be writing scary fic, because that's what Halloween is for. You should, too.

Come write scary Halloween fic with me!

Yes, do, or I shall be on my lonesome in the large haunted mansion with noone but the ghosts for company...

halloween, writing

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