too much month at the end of the money

Oct 09, 2006 23:21

I have about three pence before I reach my overdraft limit but I am filled with the sudden urge to buy pretty things. This is bad. I must wait until the parentals have returned from Abroad and then make them buy me pretty things instead.

Also, I get to graduate on Dec 14th (again). I'm gonna be a MAMsc soon, yay! *squeals*

This means more graduation gifts, right??

ION, college = boring. On the plus side, I finish this latest torture in another year and then I qualify - big pay bump, woo! *salivates at the mere thought*

Did I mention that I require cash for pretty things? Shoes. I need new shoes. And, also, autumnal coats and scarves. And who knew that it costs £20 to dry clean suede gloves???? Not right. Not right at all. This is me - *points* - disgruntled.

Right - to bed.

graduation, pretty things, shopping, exams

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