Memes and experiments

Sep 21, 2006 19:06

Aaaand... I'm back. Wowee, that was a shitty three days. For those that have no idea what I'm talking about, you clearly haven't been reading athena25's daily chronicles of our new dietary adventures. Long story short, we're on a massive detox that will hopefully cure the fact that our immune systems resemble small pots of yoghurt. We have cut out: caffeinne, wheat, dairy, potatoes, tomatoes, rye, corn, poultry, mushrooms, and everything with any taste whatsoever. I have been subsisting on rice and weird-assed rice cereal, with soya faux-milk, and sixty eight nectarines per day. There is nothing that will replace caffeinne in my life, however, and I've had the stereotypical withdrawal symptoms: crankiness, flu-like symptoms including mild fever, nausea, stiff joints esp. neck, tonsils going nuts and the energy of a slice of toast. It's hopefully started to ease, as my headache hasn't lifted but my lethargy has, somewhat - hopefully the headache will dissipate by tomorrow. I appear to be lagging behind athena25 by about a day in this - for no explicable reason; i haven't been sneaking treats or anything - so that's my guess.

Things I have discovered:

- the weird-assed puffed rice cereal with honey is actually frighteningly moorish, and if it didn't cost c. £2.50 for about three grams of the stuff, I'd opt to buy it all the time. As it is, it may bankrupt me.
- I require tea. No, really. I require caffeinnated tea, or even coffee, otherwise I do not function well at college. There is an appalling progress test winging its way to the senior partners at my firm to attest to this fact.
- carrots and humus do not a satisfying lunch make.
- Sushi, on the other hand, is both acceptable within this crazy diet and is also a god-send as it tastes of many wonderful things.
- I can still eat steak. Lots of steak.
- Now that I can't have wheat, dairy or tomatoes, all i want is pasta nepolitana with three kilos of mozarrella drizzled over the top.
- I eat a very large number of bread products, all the time. I am really noticing their lack at this point, especially in the mornings, as pretty much all my breadfast things reveolve around bread, bread products or related things. To change this is going to require a great deal of work.
- I am hungry all the time but cannot summon up the enthusiasm to actually eat. All I want is cheese. I'm dreaming about it.

When this nightmare is over, athena25 and I will be taking ourselves down to Starbucks for a celebratory caramel macchiato and blueberry cheesecake (which could well kill us with the shock to our systems).

I also can't wait for it to be proper autumn/winter, and for Starbucks to start their gingerbread lattes again. I know that it's terribly pants of me to support them as I should be supporting independent coffee shops instead, but I support independent coffee shops 7 days a week. Starbucks is entitled to a seasonal visit from me, clutching a peppermint candycane and sipping gingerbread in a MUG. It's like Christmas in a warm, jazzy, blues-y, massively commercialised environment. Just like Christmas, in other words!

Also, because everyone is doing it and because it looks like massive amount of fun, I give you: the character love meme!

It goes something like this: Name a character, and I will tell you in at least 100 words why I love that character.

I have all the fandoms in the world, so knock yourselves out. The usual suspects include: the Jossverses, West Wing, Harry Potter, Scrubs, Red Dwarf, House M.D., Alias, Babylon 5, Star Trek (all incarnations), Doctor Who (Nine and Ten), Lost, Nip/Tuck... the list goes on. If you're on my flist, chances are we'll share about 80% fandom interests. I'm a fandom floozy that way. :)

fandom, meme, food

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