Fic Rec: Lost

Sep 18, 2006 00:24

It's v. late and to bed I go (back to college tomorrow, woo! No more work for a little while for me!), but before I do, you should all go and read this piece of fabulousness:

Covet by aliaspiral. Now, I've always had a weakness for good Shannon/Boone fic, as it hits all the right 'cesty places without any of the scary channish implications. Now, this fic does have vague chan in it, but in a very Lolita-esque way, and it's very beautifully done. I suspect that it was written before S2, as I'm not sure that Shannon was quite that young when her father died, but the characterisation is still spot-on, both for Boone - a very Justin Crowe-like Boone, it has to be said - and for young Shannon. Have a read of it, you won't regret it.

fic rec

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