Alias FIC: Able Seamen (1/1) fanfic100 #1 'beginnings'

Sep 14, 2006 21:51

Woot! My entry for the Aliases ficathon is finally finished, and it only took, what, a month of writing and rewriting, and six false starts? Yeah. yahtzee63, my dear, I hope you like - but if you don't, not to worry. I have two other nearly-finished fics who also fulfil the prompts and story requirements, but which I decided to leave off finishing in favour ( Read more... )

fic: alias

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Comments 8

likeadeuce September 14 2006, 21:45:01 UTC
Oh, I love what you've done with this -- the two of them so young and light-feeling. I particularly like Arvin looking through the window at the end and thinking there's too much light for what they are doing.

This is great, and fun.

Though I'd also love to see the future-thing one of these days.


kangeiko September 17 2006, 21:36:45 UTC
Thank you honey - for the beta and for the lovely feedback. :)

Though I'd also love to see the future-thing one of these days.

Yeah, I'm still poking it with a stick occasionally. we'll see how it goes.


luvarvinsloane September 15 2006, 01:13:09 UTC
WooHoo!*giggles* I love the interaction you have between Arvin and Jack! Aw, their bantering is so cute!

"Aye aye, Captain," and here the smile couldn't be contained any longer, "but don't forget to pack some travel sickness pills, though, to get you through those first few days of teething."

He did a fair imitation of a Mountie salute and Arvin burst out laughing.

"You're about as Canadian as the Parthenon, Constable Bristow,"

I love the end too! *smirk* This is truly a unique tale and you did a fantastic job! Here's to the Arvin & Jack love!


kangeiko September 17 2006, 21:37:19 UTC
Thank you! I was very nervous about doing a humour piece as it is really not my strong suit, so I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)


yahtzee63 September 16 2006, 01:56:26 UTC
Hahahahahaha! I'd never have thought I could see Jack/Arvin played as humor, but this is terrific! I love the subtle little ways in which they're already manipulating each other and, above all, the way the disguise creeps into Sloane's thinking, making him feel like the captain -- that was sort of my hope all along. Thank you so much for this!


kangeiko September 17 2006, 21:40:17 UTC
Hahahahahaha! I'd never have thought I could see Jack/Arvin played as humor, but this is terrific!

Oh, I am so relieved you like it! I was stressing out like a mad thing over this, and in fact have an angsty version of more or less the same scenario half-written - just 'cause I wasn't sure about the humour aspect either. It really isn't my strong suit, so I'm really glad you liked it!

I love the subtle little ways in which they're already manipulating each other and, above all, the way the disguise creeps into Sloane's thinking, making him feel like the captain -- that was sort of my hope all along.

*g* That's my latent Kirk fangirling coming to the fore there - and also because my daddy was a ship's engineer and the sea gets into your blood, most definitely. He'd come home on shore leave and look like he was surprised at all the green and concrete and people. And, also, that the house was very much mum's domain, not his. *g*


selenak September 16 2006, 14:36:56 UTC
This is glorious fun. Ah, the boys in their pre-angst innocence, of sorts.

My favourite sentence, though?

In some cultures, that meant that Jack owed him his first-born.

This explains everything!


kangeiko September 17 2006, 21:42:28 UTC
This is glorious fun. Ah, the boys in their pre-angst innocence, of sorts.

Thank you, I'm so glad you liked it - I was massively uncertain about it, 'cause me and humour are like oil and other non-mixy things, but hopefully it worked...

In some cultures, that meant that Jack owed him his first-born.

This explains everything!

Mwahahaha! It's funny, I only added that in as an afterthought just before posting it, and so the only person who got to read it was athena25 - who doesn't actually know Alias at all. So this is the only indication that I had that people like what is, for me, my favourite line of the piece. :)


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