my work is weird

Aug 03, 2006 16:58

As some of you may remember from a previous post, my exam results came in: two high passes prior to my hospital trip, one marginal fail post trip. Right, so, today I had my disciplinary meeting - part of procedure, I wasn't supposed to worry about it, yadda yadda. It had the senior partner of my division and my direct line manager and went like this:

Senior Partner (SP): so, you failed an exam. This be bad.
Me: Yes, I know. I'll re-take and pass, though. No sweat.
SP: But, but, well, what if you fail?
Me: you is depressing. Me no like you.
SP: apply for extenuating circumstances. And cake.
Me: No.
SP: Apply! you get money, and bonuses, and also lots of holiday time. and cake.
Me: *waffles and pontificates about nobility etc*
SP: apply, or I scold you. And you don't want me scolding you...
Me: *pause* line manager (LM), what do you think?
LM: apply. Also, cake?
SP: good, that's settled. I call a recess of several weeks, wherein LM will do all the work involved with the application, and victoria shall eat cake.

*they leave*

Me: WTF just happened?
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