Well, past!success, anyway.
kangeiko's Past Lives
950 BC: Roman politician
276 AD: A cartographer
1652 AD: A heretic executed for claiming that the earth was round
'What were you in your past lives?' at
QuizGalaxy.com There's quite a bit to live up to, isn't there?
In other news, I got my exam results. The two exams I took before being carted off to hospital - passed with honours and bells on. The exam I took just after my hospital stay, I failed miserably. Well, ok, not miserably. I failed by a tiny margin, which is even more annoying. Luckily, said hospital visit makes me immune to any worry about this, and also the fact that I don't actually remember taking said exam. Spoke to my boss about it, boss forbade me to worry, and then I got a phonecall from HR people (which I missed, damn it), saying that they've spoken to boss, and would I please phone them back because they need to do something about something else. Er, yes, that vague. Now, not passing all my exams means I don't get my bonus - but the hospital stay means that HR could well decide to ignore this sitting as 'extenuating circumstances', which doesn't make much difference to me, but does make a difference to the level of my bonus. Which, you know, can only be a good thing.
I have thus decided to not worry, but instead focus on drinking tea and swanning around.
I also saw PotC:DMC for the second time yesterday. Did I mention the Norrington pretty? *pets Jack Davenport*