Alphabet Drabbles

Apr 23, 2006 00:13

So, I'm writing up the wee alphabet drabbles I did for people, and finishing up the alphabet while I'm at it. I have the ideas for a few others, but if anyone still wants any, now's the time...

A is for ... assimilated [original] She's having some parental troubles. Written for kakodaimon.

B is for ... boredom [A:TS] Lilah Morgan doesn't wear boredom well. Written for karabair.

C is for ... cloistered [HP] Albus Dumbledore, socks and snow. Written for eldritchhobbit.
                 curiosity [B5] Timov copes with a too-curious Daggair. Written for selenak.

F is for ... Ilyria had shown a surprising amount of interest in Lorne's continued well-being.

“We are all that is left,” she had commented one day at breakfast, bluish hands regarding her half-full cup of coffee critically. “I am a God-King, and you - you feed me poison.”

“Ah, but it’s good poison. It gives you wings.”

Ilyria stared at him. “Your words are as insects, buzzing in my ear. They are irrelevant. This meal does not have adequate nutrition; it is merely stimulants and assorted poisons.” She stood up abruptly and snatched Lorne's mug of coffee away.

Despite himself, Lorne instinctively tried to snatch it back.

“Enough,” Ilyria commanded. She marched over to the counter and began opening cupboards. “You are clearly incapable of providing us with adequate sustenance,” she said, and if Lorne hadn’t known better, he could have sworn that she was amused. “I shall assume the role of hunter-gatherer.”

The next morning, Lorne woke to find that Ilyria had gone shopping - as Fred, he suspected - and returned with enough high-fibre, high-protein, vitamin-rich food to feed a small army.

[A:TS] Post NFA, Ilyria and Lorne are all that is left.

I is for ...

CCTV footage: 11.04 pm

Veronica can't help but let out a little moan of frustration as the angle shifts again and she can't quite see what they're doing. The damn windowsill is in the way. All she can see are the clean lines of Weevil's back as he bends Logan over the kitchen table, like they were straight out of some after-school gay porn special.

The front door opens and closes; her dad's voice drifts through from the kitchen. "Veronica? Are you home?"

She fumbles with the remote control and switches off the VCR guiltily. "Yeah, I'll be right there."

[Veronica Mars] Veronica snoops and sees more than she bargained for.

P is for ...
"Our rights are being violated."

Snow, who was trying to juggle 58 things at once, was not particularly impressed. "I'm afraid that's not our department."

"But -"

"Honestly. It's not our department. You should speak to Mr Wolf. In fact, you should definitely be speaking to Mr Wolf about this, if it's as bad as you say."

"Ms White. We're not asking for much. No funds. No legal representation. We just want an acknowledgement that our rights are being violated."

"And I'm saying that rights violations come under security, which is the Sheriff's department. You don't even need an appointment."

[Fables] Snow is a very busy lady.

S is for ...

"Tell me a story, Simon," River said once when she had been very little. She had put half a tinned tomato on top of genuine fruit-filled festive pudding and regarded her creation critically. "I want an Earth That Was story."

"All right. This story is about a Big Bad Wolf, and a Princess, and -"

"Boring. I want a story with monsters!"

"But the Big Bad Wolf is a monster."

River scowled and pirouetted. "He's a boring monster. I want a scary story, with funny bits."

Older now, River does not remember the story any more, merely that it involved a great many dwarves.

Simon's eyes had been comically large as he'd leaned in for the punchline. "And, as their numbers dwindled from eighty to eight, the other dwarves began to suspect… Hungry!"

She had squealed with laughter in astonishment and pure delight, and Simon had poked her sharply in mock affront at her unbecoming amusement.

She remembers her pleasure. She remembers the triumph on Simon's face at her laughter.

Most of all, River remembers the feeling of surprise: of the instant when not-knowing becomes known; a flash-flood of pure, unadulterated pleasure.

How long ago did that feeling simply cease?

[Firefly] River wants a story.

X is for ... xenophobia [Alias] Nadia and defining the enemy. Written for monanotlisa.

fic: vmars, fic: firefly, fic: alias, fic: b5, fic: other, fic: angel, fic: hp

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