Other fics

Apr 14, 2006 23:47

Stuff recently written but not posted here:

like champagne on a maiden voyage (the Hollywood Remix)
a remix of 'This Thing Called Life' by poisontaster for remix_redux.
Fandom: X-Men
Summary: You can't sip at life.

written for jennyo for femslash06
Fandom: Firefly / BSG
Summary: In the language of the Lords of Kobol, eight is an inauspicious number.

So, that's good. I'm also dead chuffed with my multiverse2004 assignment as I have a million and one ideas and one particular one that makes me all glowy inside. Of course, as luck would have it, I've settled on one of the fandoms I don't actually have kicking around on DVD, but the wonders of Azureus have solved all my tv-deprived problems.

Mmmmm, raspberry scones. Tonight, matthew, I was spoiled rotten by athena25 who also did the gardening. Sleepy time now...

fic: firefly, fic: bsg, fic: other, fic master list

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