VM 2x07

Mar 16, 2006 13:57


Three things:

1. Sympathy for Lamb, this episode totally made me like him. We know he hates Veronica and thinks the worst of her, but he's not convinced by Meg's folks' stories - and he's back at the end of the night!!

2. The music rocked, especially the last track.

3. Feeling a little sorry for Kendall there, especially given that she's handling Cassidy and Dick - and Dick really is a dick. That would be 'coercion' there, Dickie boy, that whole 'sleep with me or you're out on the streets' attitude you have going on.

I'm also a little warmer towards Duncan, given his focus on saving the kid. Logan's scenes I thought were a bit of a let-down - a bit meh, characterisation-wise. It seemed a little too Logan, you know? Kind of caricature-y.

So then we go back to Meg's parents - now, other than Keith, are there any parents in Neptune who aren't behaving terribly to their children in some way? I mean, seriously. Celeste Kane is awful to her daughter, Lianne Mars is an alcoholic who runs off with the kiddie's college money, Meg's parents lock Grace in a cupboard, Logan's dad beat him, Mr Casablancas abandoned his kids, his former wife would rather spend her time in Europe without her kids, Wallace's mother lied to him about his dad - all we need is for Jake Kane to turn out to have been molesting Lilly and/or Duncan and that would cover everyone other than sainted Keith. *frown* I don't mean that to be as critical as it sounds, but watching the show across three days really made the anti-parental vibe apparent, and I find that interesting. I mean, we're not talking about abusive authority figures per se, but the ones that are normally held to be above reproach except in extreme circumstances. Which makes me wonder - why the hell did all the above people have kids in the first place?

Oh, yeah. Still off school. *twiddles thumbs*

veronica mars

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