
Mar 01, 2006 16:23

I am back from Germany!

I had a splendiferous time. I shall upload piccies at some point, just as soon as I figure out how to extract them from the damn machine (i.e. camera-phone).

Many, many thanks to monanotlisa for putting up with me for four whole days, and also for patiently translating everything from German into English and back again. Danke, babe! *smooch*

Things I have discovered:

1. Big boots = double plus good;
2. Snow = pretty
3. Snow = cold
4. Chocolate = yummy
5. athena25 is always right. But, on the other hand, I behaved myself. Somewhat.

I also managed to order chai German at the airport, AND THEY ANSWERED ME IN GERMAN!! *glows* OK, it wasn't precisely rocket science, but I had despaired of retaining any of the German I learned as a wee nipper. So, yay!

I also hooked monanotlisa on to The West Wing. Mwahahahahahaha!

Right, must go & prepare a gender seminar for my work. Because... because. Hey, more interesting than audit, right?

Will post fun piccies soon...

nights out, joy, germany trip, west wing

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