Britain abolishes parliament

Feb 22, 2006 12:53

Ah, if only I were joking.

Full links and details here:

ETA: I've written a letter to my MP.

I am writing regarding the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill currently on its second reading. I am concerned about the wide sweeping powers this Bill would allow a few select individuals. The Bill would allow for the imposition of house arrests, the rewriting of the Human Rights Act and many other existing laws designed to protect our civil liberties. I am concerned that this Bill seems designed to circumvent the democratic instituion of Parliament and overturn extact legislation without due legal and legislative process.

As a voter, I am concerned that this Bill would allow ministers to ignore the opinions of my duly elected representatives, and I urge you to raise the matter on the floor of the House of Commons. This Bill would make a mockery of the parliamentary system and seriously threatens our civil rights. For instance, it would allow the abolition of jury trials. In effect, it allows the formation of a ready-made apparatus of state-sanctioned terror.

Yours sincerely,

I'll let you know if I receive a response...


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