Babylon 5 S1 & S2 - essential viewing

Feb 10, 2006 14:41

I'm visiting monanotlisa in a couple of weeks, and with me I shall take season 1 of The West Wing, and also Some Episodes of Babylon 5.

The goal is, of course, to get our lovely lady hooked on The Greatest Show of All Time (tm) before having to go back to rainy England. This must also be accomplished without spending every waking hour in front of the tv, as it's Karneval, and dancing must be had. Flist - I beseech you! Below you will find a list of all season 1 and season 2 B5 episodes. The ones in bold are the ones that we definitely have to see (for arc-purposes, or because they rock), the ones struck through are ones I definitely don't want to bother with, and the rest I'm not sure about. Help!! Opinions, thoughts, guidance - maximum b5-impact, with a bare minimum of 'filler' episodes. Possible??

Season 1
Midnight on the Firing Line - first episode, sets up the Narn/Centauri background, lots of new characters introduced.
Soul Hunter - Delenn's revelation. ETA: realised that it's recapped later on.
Born to the Purple - Londo, Adira.
Infection - because, no.
The Parliament of Dreams - more new characters, fantastic in general. One of my faves.
Mind War - Psi Corps, Talia.
The War Prayer
And the Sky Full of Stars - Sinclair.
Deathwalker - meh.
Believers - fantastic Franklin episode.
Survivors - never liked this one...
By Any Means Necessary - as far as I know, not remotely arc-relevant.
Signs and Portents - THE arc episode of season 1. Well. One of them.
TKO - god, no.
Legacies - The last scene is crucial, and the Ivanova & Talia relationship is developed.
A Voice in the Wilderness Part 1
A Voice in the Wilderness Part 2 - The Great Machine. Also, great Londo. And, plus, funny.
Babylon Squared - just try and follow 'War Without End' without this one!
The Quality of Mercy - alien machine.
Chrysalis - ARC.

Season 2
Points of Departure - new characters.
Revelations - Delenn
The Geometry of Shadows - visions
A Distant Star - not a great fan of this one
The Long Dark - nor this one
A Spider in the Web - this was part of the aborted Talia arc, right? Not really that arc-relevant...
Soul Mates - because it has Timov.
A Race Through Dark Places - Talia, John, Delenn, Psi Corps.
The Coming of Shadows - OMG ARC.
GROPOS - it breaks my heart to omit this one, as it has the amazing Dodger, but there really isn't that much to it other than that.
All Alone in the Night - Delenn, Grey Council.
Acts of Sacrifice - I don't care for much of this episode, but it does have Ivanova's dance. Hmmmm.
Hunter, Prey - data.
There All Honour Lies - Pluses: Vorlon lessons, teddy bears. Down side: entire A-plot.
And Now for a Word - pluses: fab ep, IMO. Down side: does it give us any info that we don't already have?
In the Shadow of Z'Ha'Dum - arc.
Knives - fab Londo ep. Down side: not that relevant.
Confessions and Lamentations - OMG, break your heart.
Divided Loyalties - and again.
The Long, Twilight Struggle - and once more.
Comes the Inquisitor - and some more.
The Fall of Night - finishes you off.

Thoughts, comments? queenspanky, I am looking in your direction. I distinctly remember skipping several episodes from season 1 in order to get you embroiled in arc-heavy stuff, and then dangle season 4 in front of you, teasingly, listening to the pleas for mercy. Ah, good times...

germany trip, babylon 5

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