
Jan 17, 2006 13:11

I have a new computer! She was delivered last night. Her name is Val, and she is very pretty, yes indeed! I have already loaded lots of Prettiness (TM) onto her, and will doubtless amuse myself by locating the latest versions of all my favourite programmes for a long while yet. Plus! Networking joy soon! Which means Val will soon have broadband, and my happiness will be complete.

(For those tech-minded among you, Val is a Dell, 80GB harddrive, Windows XP home, fast processor - not the fastest, but I'm not rendering anything! - beauuuuuutiful flatscreen monitor, DVD drive, CDRW drive, bells whistles etc etc. The only thing that is slightly irksome is that the keyboard is plugged in via a USB port, which means I need to get a USB divider-y thingy. But! She's so pretty! And smart! W00t!)


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