Sep 17, 2006 01:05
There's something that has to happen, I believe, when two people become friends. There has to be a point where one of them, or perhaps both at the same time, to an affect bare their soul, and show the other that they really care about them, and that they do in fact desire a friendship. In most cases where a friendship follows, this display of feeling will be returned with a similar one, ensuring on some level that they do feel the same way, or similary. This first act is one, undoubtedly, that takes great courage.
For example, an example of such a situation is shown here:
(Two acquaintances meet in passing)
A: Oh hey! Wow I haven't seen you in forever, we should hang out sometime!
B: Yeah definately! Call me this weekend!
(The two friends leave each other)
The exclamation points are necessary because they reveal the rawness of the true feelings that are being expressed, and the mutual excitement of a new friendship. However, if one were to bare their soul and get rejected, it might look more like this:
(Two acquaintances meet in passing)
A: Oh hey! Wow I haven't seen you in forever, we should hang out sometime!
B: Umm... cool, that'd be fun, I'll talk to you later.
(The two acquaintances leave each other)
Of course the second person loses their exclamation points, because they've resorted to lying, and are far from exicted about a new friendship. Of course, most people tend to lie in this situation, hoping to avoid awkward conversation, but hoping that the other person loses their entusiasm due to the person B's mellow response. Some people are much better at reading these cues than others.
I just was thinking about this so I thought I'd write it.
Peace and all... Cody