Oct 12, 2004 02:19
Dear God,
I am a horrible person. I like to be less than forthcoming with people (i.e. lie) when I'm afraid of hurting someone's feelings. I cannot stand the concept of confrontation. I will put off confronting an issue with someone until it has inevitably become a toxic force in my life, consequently hurting the person I tried not to hurt and wreaking havoc on my nerves. This is cowardice. I am not a man. I am a little boy whose testicles have not yet dropped.
P.S. And somehow I feel if I reject this love, any love, I am doing myself a disservice. Is love such a regular force in the world that I should take it for granted and cast it aside when is stands beckoning at my door? And how could I, once stung by the belated scorn of another, let myself be dragged into such a deception?
P.P.S. This all sounds so dramatic and maybe it's not but I feel like an absolute schmuck. Conscience, I'm glad you're there, but damn.