January has begun, and it's time to put up some resolutions.
1. Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night during the work week. I really need to sleep earlier.
2. EXERCISE. Time to get a gym membership now that there's one near me?
3. Teach the pup to sit, stay, and go for walks.
4. Actually TAKE the GRE.
5. Go out more / avoid socializing less. (Saying yes to going out, parties, gatherings, and concerts.)
6. Read more - at least get through the books I've had borrowed from friends.
7. Write more consistently, rather than sporadically. (More on writing goals here:
2010 Writing Goals)
8. Blog more consistently. Once a week?
9. Practice positivity and fearlessness!
10. FIGURE OUT MY LIFE! / avoid having a quarter-life crisis.
That's my 10 for 2010. What's yours?