Meme again

Feb 24, 2009 13:34

Okay guys, I think it's a little sad that I seem to only update my LJ with memes these days. What kind of reflection on my life is this? Basically it tells you, I'm procrastinating and also not doing much that is of note/exciting. I think I still have a ton of photos on my camera though from the last few months that I've neglected to upload anywhere. Hmmm...

In any case, GRE studying is the current bane of my life. I should do more of that, but I've finally got my hands on the 6th book in a series I started, and until I am finished with that, everything else comes second. Well, except for memes apparently.

Oh and Law & Order: UK. YES. (I'm going to watch it and report back, though from the preview, I expect it to be hilarious. Please let there be a US/UK crossover!)

Nicked from a friend's facebook note.

Scrabble Share

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 15 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real . . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Have Fun!!

1. What is your name: Alice

2. A four Letter Word: Alas!

3. A boy's Name: Adam

4. A girl's Name: Annie

5. An occupation: Artist

6. A color: Azure

7. Something you wear: Accessories

8. A food: Artichoke (dip!)

9. Something found in the bathroom: Air freshener

10. A place: Antarctica

11. A reason for being late: anaphylactic shock

12. Something you shout: ASSHOLE!

13. A movie title: Arctic Tale

14. Something you drink: Apple cider (or alcohol because I'm sure you thought of that)

15. A band/artist: Angela Aki

16. An animal: Alligator or armadillo ooor anaconda

17. A street name: Azusa

18. A type of car: Acura

19. A song title: All Good Things - Mandy Moore; Apologize - Timbaland & One Republic

20. A verb: Aggravate

randomosity, procrastination is the answer, memes, update

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