Sep 25, 2006 21:37
It makes me giggle to myself whenever critics of the administration bitch about how Bush has upset the stability of the world with his War On Terror (which, whether it did in the beginning or not, now includes Iraq). Of course, some of these critics are liberals who actively fight against the evil status quo of the world. But when it comes to opposing violent dictatorships, well, I get the sense that they think it would have been better to just let them be.
Some critics (John Kerry recently) say that because of increased Taliban activity, we are losing the war in Afghanistan. This is less funny because people seem to believe this line of logic. I am hesitant to liken this to the Battle of the Bulge in which our Nazi enemies launched a winter counter-offensive that ultimately failed and left them in worse shape than ever. This may seem like a valid analogy but it isn't because the Nazis met with initial success during their attack. The Taliban haven't had any meaningful success during their summer offensive. They have consistently been losing 10-20 men for ever NATO casualty. This is astounding. Not only have the Taliban been losing the physical war, they've also been losing ground in the battle for hearts and minds. Executing old women and young children for espionage [wtfuck?] doesn't get you good press. Neither does murdering teachers because they have the gal to open schools that welcome girls and teach something other than the Taliban approved fundamentalist bullshit (which goes far beyond simply teaching Intelligent Design). However, the Taliban still has a good source of recruits. No, not from people pissed of at the Iraq War. Rather, from the Pushtun tribes of southern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. These tribes have an abundance of unemployed young men. Why is this? Well, there are a number of reasons, most prominent of which is the education these men get (which is the Taliban style of fundamentalist crap).
If you've read all of this, congratulations. I will reward you by revealing that Walker Ray is in fact gay. COUNT IT!