Questions re: BOSTON (in BALTIMORE, not Boston)

Feb 18, 2010 08:31

I have to finalize basics very soon.  So here's your last chance for input before I make everything official - and post it on x-t and NASPA:

Please reply, and thanks in advance:
  • 90% certain that it'll be 20 games, beginning either Friday late afternoon or night.  Which is better for you, more games Friday ( afternoon start) or more on Saturday?
  • June 4 weekend: is this a conflict for you - and therefore the only reason you will not come?  If June 4th is no good for you, what about week-end of June 11th, even June 18th?
  • No *cash* class prizes - period. Does/will this piss you off?  Or do you [high-five!!!!] me?
  • 3K or 4K for first place?  I was thinking 3K in order to distribute the $ better among the top, say, 7 players.  This is the one thing about my HO that I felt really awful about.  (Yup, that's directed at you, Rod and Sammy.)    :-)
  • is on-site meal impt to you - if I can keep costs down?
  • is coffee in a.m. impt (will have to come out of prize fund)
  • what is the most you'd pay to be on-site for room, keeping in mind that I will again be charging a hefty commuter fee ($35.00) and that this is prime Baltimore real estate, right on the water?
  • Most impt: How likely are you to attend?
  • What is better entry fee: $150 or $125 - keeping in mind that the more $, the more places I'll pay out. Is $175 out of the question?  For you, (and not influenced by what you think others might say/think).

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