incident or accident? chapter 1

Jun 21, 2009 14:45


“Uepi…” She said while running,

“Whoi! Be careful or you’ll~~” He was about to complete his sentence when suddenly the girl tripped he rushed to help her.

“See that’s what I’m about to say..” Ueda scolded her with a worried tone.

“ITAIII!!!!!!!!” she screamed while crying.

“BAKA!!!” Ueda hit her on the head while laughing.

=End of flashback=

“Tat-chan Daijobu?” Kame asked worriedly.

“Yah, ofcourse I’am.. ooh! It’s lunch time. What do you want to eat?” Ueda replied.

“Hmm.. No.. you guys go ahead I have my lunch with me.. see!” Kame  took out her lunch box for Ueda to see it.


“Don’t worry Tat-chan.. ~~JA” she pushed Tat-chan on the door.

While walking Pi noticed that Ueda’s group is missing one member,

“Jin, I think I forgot something in the classroom.. matte ne? ” Pi run without waiting for Jin’s reply.

“I didn’t even say Okay..” Jin said to Ryo..

“Ryo, Do you know our past life?” Jin asked Ryo.

He looked at Ueda

“Yes, Jin I think I do..” They walked silently while going to the canteen, Meanwhile.

“Woaaah! I know you’re here..” Pi told Kame.

“Yamashita-san? Do you need anything?” She looked at Yamapi’s eyes deeply.

“No, but I think you need me…”

“EH?”was Kazu’s only reply, suddenly Pi grabbed Kame’s hand and they ran out of school.

“Ya--- ma--- shi-ta-san? Anoo…?” Her sentence was cutted by Pi.

“Have you ever tried this? Kame-chan? I bet you don’t your too focus to your studies. Today let’s have fun but 1st please call me Yamapi! GEEZ! Yamashita-san is way too formal…” Yamapi told Kame.

“Demo If we cut class..” once again he was cutted by Yamapi.

“Kyowaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!” He screamed.

“Today your with me. Kame!^^v ” He pushed Kame to ride in the bike and he smiled bitterly to her. Pity eyes can see on him.

“Well then!” Kame spoke. Pi raised his eyes brows.

“Well then. Let’s have fun YAMAPI!!” she smiled sweetly that almost killed Yamapi.

They rode the Ferris wheel, they went into parks and they have dun. They went stopped by to a near shore and talk and talk and talk.

“Jin, did you saw Kame?” Ueda asked his ex-bestfriend.

“No and I would’t even bother to know where she is!” Jin replied angrily.

“You know what Jin, it was no one’s fault.. back then we were still young.. try to forgive her, try to forgive yourself..” Ueda said to Jin Ryo heard their conversation and suddenly appeared.

“UEDA-KUUUN… Sometimes what happens in the past can be the result of what we are now, tomorrow or even in the future. Ne. Jin-kun??” Ryo told them.

“Ueda, How can I forgive both of us? If she.. she… nothing.. I got to go. See you later!” Jin rushes out.

“Jin!! It’s never too late to start over..!!” Ueda screamed.

“I sure hope so.. Uepi. I hope so…” Ryo whispered to Ueda. Ryo followed Jin.

“Ueda, Maybe Pi’s with him.” Koki told Ueda.

“And why would you come up with that conclusion?” Ueda ask Koki.

“Because left a note here saying don’t worry She’s with me..” Maru said raising his eyebrows.

“Oh well then.. We have nothing to worry about. I wish?” Ueda replied not so sure..

“Ne, Pi Do you know our past life??” Kame ask Pi while their eating ice cream.

“Past? You mean the past? Or what so ever?” Pi replied.

“Betsuni!! Ne, Arigatoo for today Yamashita-kun” she smiled.

“Kame if your in trouble or you have problem Super Pi is always their, When I saw you earlier with teary eyes. I wanted to hug you but I know that I could’t but now your smiling again I felt happiness. That’s why I’m glad that you smiled. That I made you smile.” Pi said to Kame who looked who’s like a burning tomato.

“Well then super Pi tnx again,!” she bowed.

“I hope that one day if you knew something about me, you will still be this way…” Kame replied to what Pi said.

“Eh?” was Pi’s only reply.

“Bet-su-niiii!” she smiled again.


“Jin!! Let’s go to the beach!” she said.

“But it’s dangerous. It’s high tide Kanzaki…” Jin replied


“NO, but’s!!” kanzaki pouted.

“Don’t show me that pout!!”

He hugged Kanzaki from behind.



“Why am I stuck with you??? Why is it always me and you??!!”

A/N:  Gomene.. i may update late cause tomorrow i have school :) demo, i'll update as soon as i can! promise. :) hmm.. comments is appreciated. criticisms are expected. :D hope you enjoy this! :) ooh. and sorry if this will be confusing. but next chapter i swear i'll put some clues. :D on their past. =D

incident or accident?, fan fic

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