Incident or accident?

Jun 25, 2009 15:50

At the grocery store,

“Which do you prefer? Green or red apples?”

“I prefer the red one nee-chan! Ohh!! Can we buy this too?” Yama pointed at the fresh strawberries that he saw.

“Go ahead, put it on the cart.” She replied. While Yama was walking someone tapped him from behind he looked at the man and slowly he realize it was one of his friends.


“Yo! Yama-chan! What are you doing here?” He asked while lifting up some fruits.

“Oh, I’m doing groceries with my sister.. Nee-chaaan!” She called.

“Hai! I’ll be there wait a minute.” Kazuya replied.

Inside Yuto’s mind he knew he heard that voice! He knew that He knows very well that voice.

He frozed on the spot and he felt like he wanted to cry, He wanted to hug her, He wanted to know is that really her sister? Her Long Lost sister?

“Anou, Yuto. Daijobu?” Yama asked.

“Huh? I mean. She’s your sister?” Yuto blinked 3 times.

“Yah. Nee-chan! She’s my friend His name his Yuto, Yuto Nakajima.”  He bowed,

“Oh! Nice to meet you Yuto, I’m Kamenashi Kazuya.” She bowed too.

“Hi, Nee-chan Kazu.. Anou, can I call you that?” He asked politely.

“Yah! Of course you can!”

“Well then I guess I’ll see you guys around. I need to go right now. Bye!” Yuto said as he walked out.

“Bye Yuto!” Yama waved.

“He looks familiar to me Brother.. He looks really familiar…”       Kame said curiously.

Outside the grocery store Yuto can’t help but to  cry.

He sobbed behind one car and he realized that he knew that was his sister, Even though they only met once He knew that’s her. The moment that she saw Kazuya face to face that angle, the birthmark in her hand, That was his sister.. Kanzaki Hiroto.. “Nee-chan, Why?” was in his mind he sobbed again. He then called Jin’s number. Since her Mother died after a year of that accident and her father got comma last 3 years ago He’s living with his foster family, that doesn't really know his past. and when it comes to Kanzaki He just knew that Jin is the one to call.

“Moshi moshi? Jin-kun?” Yuto spoke.

“Yuto? Doushtano?”

“She’s alive Jin-kun… She’s alive.”


“Jin! I saw her! I don’t know if you’re still gonna believe me but it’s true.” Yuto insisted.

“Yuto! Aren’t you the one who told me to move on?! And now you’re telling me to believe you? What the hell is going on?!” Jin almost screamed.


“Let’s forget about this phone call ne? I’m sorry if I yelled demo, it’s just not right to tell me that you’re sister is still alive…” With that Jin hanged the phone up.

“Geez! He’s weird this days.” Jin accidentally said out loud.

“Who is Jin?” Ueda asked.

“Oh! Do you remember Kanzaki’s brother? Yuto?” With regarding Kanzaki, Ueda just nodded.

“Well he contacted me and told me that Kanzaki’s alive. Weird ne?”

“Hmm…” Ueda wished to himself that he didn’t ask that question.

“Jin, what if Kanzaki’s really alive?” He asked.

“I guess I’ll tell her that she’s too late cause I’m ready to be in love again” Jin chuckled.

“Seriously, Jin.“ Ueda said in a serious tone.

“Come on! Ueda It’s almost I don’t know 11 plus plus years?!”

“I’m just asking..” Ueda looked down.

Meanwhile at the Kamenashi Residence,

“Ne, Yama. Tell me more about Yuto, His parents, Brothers? Sisters?.. ” Kame asked his brother while sitting in his bed.

“Anou, he told me before that he was adopted by the Nakajima family, because his parents died. Her mother died a year after her sister died. And after that His father went in to comma. BUUUT!! Here’s the catch her sister’s body was NEVER found…” Yama explained

“NEVER?!” She almost chocked her food.

“Un!” He nodded. “Never…”

“But, right now at the Nakajima family I think he’s stable. He got a little brother named Raiya and Mr. and Mrs Nakajima is really kind of nice.”

“Hmm.. since when did you guys know each other?”

“Well. A month after I met Chinen and Daiki.”

“Why didn’t I get a chance to meet him?”

“That’s because we’re still getting to know each other and besides I didn’t know your interested with my friends.” He said smirking.

“Oh.. I see, Well it’s getting late We need to sleep now.. Oyasumi!” She stood and opened the door.

“Oya, Nee-chan.” Kame smiled and went out of the room.

AT JIN’S HOUSE, their playing spin the bottle it stopped with Jin.

“Haha! Jin! Truth or Consequence?” Ryo asked.

“Geez! This is so childish! Truth,” He answered while opening a can of beer.

“Ma, Ma Ma!! Let me have the pleasure to ask you this..” Pi said.

“You need to answer whatever it is!” Junno pointed his finger to Jin. And He nodded.

“Why do you hate Kamenashi Kazuya before?” Pi eyed Jin it means that he is serious.

“Wow! A very interesting question! Way to go Pi!” Koki commented.

All eyes were focused on Jin, Finally he answered.

“Because she looks like Kanzaki Hiroto, No!! She’s just like her clone I don’t know her reincarnation perhaps? And I can’t stand the guilt that I feel whenever I see her. But the night at the cruise when she trembled in fear I don’t know what I felt but my heart beat’s really fast.. ” He said as tears were about to fell remembering the things that he did to Kazuya.

“Demo.. Certainly I will make it up to her, Sorry if I hurted your friend.” He bowed to Ueda, Maru, Koki and Junno.

“Okay! That was a super dramatic Story, Demo! Tell us more about Kanzaki, I mean why are you feeling guilty?” Maru asked curiously.

Jin then told the story of Kanzaki and him.

“Wow! That was really sad and touching.” Koki said while wiping a tear.

“Ueda-Kun, Why are you so silent?”

“I need to go. I’m sorry..” He walked out of Jin’s house but Ryo followed him.

“Ueda.. Chotto!” Ryo screamed.

“Ryo..” He whispered while sobbing.

Ryo can’t take it anymore he hugged Ueda tightly and Ueda cried at his chest.

“Ryo.. I can’t stand the guilt anymore, I want to tell them that Kanzaki is Kazuya, but I can’t I just can’t.. I don’t want anything to fall back into shattered pieces.”

“Shhh.. Tat-chan.. I understand..”

“Ryo, why do I always cry at this chest?” He ask while pointing Ryo’s chest.

“That’s because inside of this chest there’s you..” He smiled weakly.

“Tat-chan, Remember when we broke up? I told you right? Even if I let go of you, In my heart you will always remain..” He kissed Tat-chan’s forehead.

Ueda can’t help but to cry more.

“I want to talk to Yamada tomorrow.” He whispered.

“We must find a way out to convince him, to tell Jin about Kame.” Ueda said


“Ueda-san, Don’t dare to tell anybody about my sister. Certain things can happen.” Yamada warned

“But, Jin How about him..”

“Tat-chaaaaaaan~ You don’t want your life to be miserable, don’t you?” Yamada smirked while holding some picture of Ryo while burning it.

“You little Devil!!” He screamed.

“”No, I just want the BEST for my sister.” He said smiling.



“Ne, Let’s repeat this date again ne?” Jin said

“Sure” Kame nodded. :)

A/N: This chappy is dedicated to nakajimae and again tnx for the help.
kazuha_ono ne, comments is super appreciated and Criticism is accepted. suggetions? feel free to add my YM. :D questions? don't hesitate. :D by the way I want to thank, those who are reading ths and commenting about it I PROMISE i'll mention you all on the LAST CHAP.:)


incident or accident?, fan fic, akame fic

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