Title: Mormon Wolfism, Eunhyuk/Everyone
Length: 314 words
Author: shieldkitten
Rating: R
Summary: Hyukjae discovers that the world is a joke.
Author's note: For the Suju Kink Meme, prompt: shapeshifting mormon wolves (IDEK)
If this wasn't proof that the whole world was just an enormous joke on him, Hyukjae didn't know what was.
"OH MY GOD," he yelled, pointing at no one in particular, because really, he only had ten fingers, and there were fourteen boys currently unfolding themselves from wolfish shapes. "OH MY GOD."
Henry blinked up at him from the floor, where he was both naked and still in possession of a tail, and then the tail disappeared and Henry went to find some clothes.
"OH MY GOD," Hyukjae yelled again, pointing at Hankyung, who was scratching himself behind the ear with his foot.
"Hey," Heechul said, jabbing a paw into Hyukjae's chest. "Stop using my god's name in vain."
"What?" Hyukjae spluttered, staring at Heechul as though he had grown bushy eyebrows and about three feet in height.
"I've converted," Heechul said cheerfully. "Did you know Mormons get to have big gay orgies all the time?"
"They don't," Siwon said with a long suffering sigh. "But a little white lie..."
"You're Mormon?" Hyukjae spluttered, feeling that this revelation was rather more shocking than the fact that his fellow band members were apparently wolves in their spare time. "How long have you been Mormon?"
"Oh, since 'round about... April," Sungmin wriggled on the floor, scratching his back on the carpet.
"Zhoumi started it," Shindong sighed. "Zhoumi always starts it."
"Did you know," Donghae said, very seriously, "that Mormon wolfism is contagious?"
"Sexually transmitted," Kibum corrected him.
And if that wasn't more proof that the whole world was a joke on Hyukjae, Hyukjae didn't know what else was. "YOU'VE ALL BEEN HAVING SEX WITHOUT ME?"
"Hey, Hyukjae," Yesung purred, flicking out his tongue to taste the shell of Hyukjae's ear. "Want to change that?"
Hyukjae hesitated. And then Kangin bounded in, tail high in the air and howled, and Hyukjae decided that yes, yes, he did.