Yeah, went to Hot Import Nights in Del Mar Saturday night. It was a typical HIN... lots of rice, lots of loud music, lots of flashing lights, and lots more rice.
Going to these shows makes me really appreciate the fact that I've gotten the RX-7 and gotten out of Hondas for the most part. Probably half or more of the cars that rolled into the show were either Hondas or Acuras. Now I don't have anything against Honda, mind you... but it's hard to feel special about your car when there are a couple thousand others just like it around you.
There were a few nice cars at the show. Tein had a pretty sweet 350Z, done in the typical tein white w/ tein graphics. Looking at their display though, it really looks like they're completely phazing out the HAs and HEs in favor of the Flex. Now I'm sure the Flex are nice... but the fact that they're trying to mainstream the product line worries me. I also don't like the fact that the Flex don't come with secondary springs. On the other hand, I could get the EDFC system with the Flex. I'm still leaning toward JICs right now, though.
Back to the show. Another nice car that I was happy to see was the new Mazda RX-8. It re-introduces the rotary back into the car market, with some really big improvement... so this is a big plus for the car. Also, from everything I've seen it's supposed to be a great handling car. The interior in the car is gorgeous. I love the leather seats and gauge console.
Uh... what else... couple okay FDs... a nice S13.. F&tF 2 rice display (oh that poor R34... Damn you Craig Lieberman).... quite a few beautiful women... again, a typical HIN.
here's some pics.