Happy Birthday for Macca!

Apr 22, 2009 12:00

The occasion calls for a PICSPAM! 8D
AIBA picspam to be exact.
Be warned. Seriously. There's like, at least many pictures and gifs under the cut! @__@ (little more than 70, actually. I counted~ ^^;;;;)

Yay Macca is older! Not as old as I am, but closing up as we speak~ *nodnods* (..because surely I'm still going to be 25 after the next five years! 8D )
In case you don't know who I'm talking about: Macca, also known as bloodytheory,is my lovely co-mod from finn_arashi .

Anyway, the day is short and there's lots of Aiba to distribute~ ^___^

Let's kick this show on the road! Aiba, you'll do the honours won't you?

Aiba: *kicks!*
Thank you! ^__^

Now, let's start with "Aiba and Arashi" -theme.

Aiba LOVES Arashi.

Yes, you do~ ♥

Luckily, Arashi loves Aiba back.

..Now, if Ohno only moved his hand a little.

If we really start paying attention, there's actually many ways that Aiba loves his Arashi. Count with me?
1.) When they hold hands.

2.) When they wear the same shirt with him.

3.) When they plan 'surprises' behind his back.

You can tell that Nino and Sho are especially good at this..
Nino: Ok Sho, just aim right there..you ready? Here we go: Seee no..

4.) When they dance with him.


Which reminds me..

5.) When he can feel like he's just one of the dorks. XD

Also: Holding hands~ ^__^

6.)When they get nekkid for him.

That's why he encourages them~ ^__^
(Notice that, above, Sho already has his hands on his zipper. Well done Aiba! ^__^v Also: Jun approves of any nekkidness concerning any Arashi members. Jun: *gleee~*)

..and encourages them even more, by getting naked himself.

Actually, I've come to believe that no one has particularly anything against it, since Aiba looks kinda hot-ish when naked. *wild and unfair underestimation*

Okay, I admit, there might have been some occasional nekkid Ninos in there somewhere..but truthfully, who minds the occasional nekkid Ninos?

Aiba: This is fun and all..

Aiba: ..but can we please move on!?
Ohno: ..Nekkid Aiba.. LOL

D: If we must~

Where was I..? Oh yes, the counting.
7.) When they..um..um... *cough*

The Reasons Why Aiba Loves Each Of His Bandmates! YAY! *moves on quickly before you notice anything*

Aiba loves Ohno because they are both clingy and would never refuse a huggle when it's coming at them~

Aiba also likes to show his tummy to Ohno.

Ohno approves.

Aiba loves Sho because Sho is a flaily dork, just like the rest of them, but also because it's fun to molest Sho.

..Normal day at the office. ^__^;

You can tell there's this loving little game going on between them, when:

Aiba pokes Sho..

..Sho harasses Aiba..

..Aiba molests Sho..

..and Sho gives it back the next time Aiba is wearing a dress.

Aiba likes to show his tummy to Sho

Sho approves? ^__^; (Maybe it's because Aiba isn't wearing a dress..)

Aiba loves Nino because Nino has been there forever and Aiba knows that secretly, Nino is just one huge cuddly goofball.

Nino disagrees. (He is no fluff!)

But he eventually always forgives..
(because they look good just hanging out together like that, spread out on the sofa.. *cough*)

..and helps Aiba to educate the random babies they run into. Aiba is grateful, even if he sometimes thinks that maybe Nino is being too particular about teaching the babies holding on to their money.

Aiba loves Jun because Jun is so subtle about loving him back.

Jun hits.

Jun kicks.

Jun finds something odd in his mouth and hands it over to Aiba.

But then again, Jun does really love Aiba.

Holding hands with him is nice.

Getting invited under the same coat with him is nice.

Getting fed by Aiba is nice. (..if a bit messy)

And of course, sitting in his lap is nice. (..and seriously, Jun just sat there, even if he could have moved. *__*)

Now, if we don't talk about Arashi, what else does Aiba love?
Well the obvious: puppies~ ^__^ I'm a firm believer that here the love was sprung out of similarities..

See what I mean?

In fact, Aiba loves all the animals.


Aibaado can fly! 8D


..and other big kittens. *melts*

*sight* ^____^

Aiba loves to eat.

*cough* e__e

I ment EAT.

He loves to eat.

He loves to eat while being fed.

..and he never fails to be cute while eating.

Even if it's something he can't stand. Like spicy food. 8D

Actually, Aiba is very good at looking cute or hot or just so pretty it burns your eyes. *__*

He looked good as a kid.

He looks good when he's singing

..or dancing..

..or just sitting around.

Still sitting around~ ^__^;

He looks good excited

..and emo..

..and angry.

And he definitely looks good when posing sexy~ ^///^

Let's have a moment of silence to enjoy the Aiba-sexy in it's fullest. *___*

Oh my.. O_O Aiba Masaki with his clothes on can still be hotter than most people completely naked.
..Just a thought. XD;;;

So, there's something I saved for the last. ^__^
These are some of the best faces of Aiba, according to me..

Aiba as the crankiest (and prettiest) teacher in the whole world school.

Aiba kissing Jun and being all shy about it~

Aiba laughing..

..and laughing animatedly! ^__^

Aiba being broud. : }

Aiba being scared.

Aiba hugging Sho..

..and getting hugged by Sho. ;;__;;

..and getting kissed by Sho! ♥

Here ends the picspam, thank you for watching. I think it was the biggest one I've made so far. XD;; I hope everyone AND MACCA enjoyed it, and nobody's computer died because of all the pictures in this post.. ..and everyone got their nosebleeds under control..^^;;;

Aiba has a one last b-day message for Macca~


Picture & gif credits:
yuckie_chan, fivesomeaday , theproudpenguin ,
moogle_tey ,
still_ciircee , evolardnek , beckerbell , aatash , spazzcrack , greyhavens @VOX
(I hope I got them all. Anyone missing? Tell me and I'll fix it!)

my friends are better than yours, birthdays, huge picspam

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