(no subject)

Jan 29, 2007 11:37

If any of you have read my last post (I know at least one has, thanks,
vikingprincess) you'll know that there's a very good chance that next chapter's going to be funky.  Probably not TOO funky, since I'm not very good at writing that sort of thing, but I will say that it involves Franklin Richards as a primary character.  And since you saw what happened at the end of the last chapter, well, feel free to put two and two together.

However...  it probably won't be happening for a few days at least, since this morning I was talked into helping my friend out with stage managing duties for Midsummer Night's Dream for the next few weeks.  May be two nights a week, may be four,  but it is definitely to keep me away from my writing duties for a while (don't feel too upset, I haven't been in a show since August, which is rare for me, so you've been getting much more story than you normally would).

But the next chapter should be up by the end of the week, as my brain isn't going to stop thinking about it.

Random note about the upcoming Buffy Season 8 (I'm definitely going to be saying more once we get closer, but I'm avoiding it to keep the plotbunnies away from my X-Men stuff):

I wonder if Joss is going to make any reference to Cabbage Patch Kids.

Oh, boy, he should.
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