
Jan 28, 2007 20:30

See Previous Chapters Here

Title: The New Mutants II, Volume XI
Author: kanedax
Fandom: X-Men Movieverse, plus various other Marvel characters
Spoilers: X3, New Mutants I & II (see above)
Rating: R for language, nudity, and sexual discussion by a cocky pervert
Summary: Sean's van returns to the Academy, and the students discover the extent of the damage
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fanfic, xmen, newmutants

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Comments 4

vikingprincess January 29 2007, 02:47:42 UTC
Johnny is such an ass.

At least Franklin is doing something useful. Or so it appears. But I don't trust the little weasel.


kanedax January 29 2007, 04:20:20 UTC
It was a precarious balancing act that I hope I pulled off. In one sense, it's a completely tense situation where Rogue's having a complete and total mental breakdown while half of the students have been arrested.

Yet on the other side one of her personalities, the perverted mysoginist (sp?), is completely fascinated by the fact that he's suddenly become a nubile young woman.

It's completely serious, and frightening, yet amusing at the same time.


vikingprincess January 29 2007, 04:38:16 UTC
I think that you did it well.


madderbrad May 16 2008, 04:16:25 UTC
It's completely serious, and frightening, yet amusing at the same time.

I think you nailed that very well; I was grinning in spots, worried about Rogue in others.

Johnny's one obnoxious little creep!

Surprised that Defender is deliberately declaring war on the X-Men so quickly and arbitrarily.

I've been thinking up to now that Rogue's power - now that she can retain and utilise the absorbed abilities at will - is pretty nifty, if you forget about the lack of any personal contact. I'd forgotten how vulnerable she was to prolonged absorption, and how damaging that could be to both parties.


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