Jun 04, 2011 01:15
Before I head to bed. Non-spoilery:
- FASSBENDER! I'll never watch Inglourious Basterds the same way.
- I'll be avoiding looking at the xmmff community for a while. The Charles/Erik slash fic is going to be immense.
- Prequel or reboot? They did this weird amalgamation of continuity (Mags/Raven), cameo ("Fuck off"), and tossing random bits out the window ("Oh, Charles, I like this one," "He helped me build it," re-aged Emma, Moira, and a non-brotherly Alex).
- FASSBENDER! I could watch an entire movie of Magneto hunting Nazis.
- Is the Magneto prequel still in production, or was this that? What about Wolverine 2? Deadpool? Which continuities will they follow?
- Glad Kevin Bacon made the most of his chance.
- First Class 2? I vote for 70's full-on disco Dazzler. Beyond that, who's left that doesn't feel like a retread? Omega Red? Magik? Sunfire? Or will they keep de-decading some latter characters? Cable? Cannonball? Longshot? Blink?
- My New Mutants fic continues to become obsolete with the appearance of Alex Summers. But if it's a reboot, who cares?
- FASSBENDER! Okay, seriously? The knife bit in Argentina might be the coolest action piece I've seen in movies in years. They had more creative uses for Magneto than I'd ever expect. Not quite "Too much iron in your blood" creative, but great as fight sequencing.