
Oct 15, 2006 10:33

See Previous Transaction Here

Title: New Mutants, Volume XIII: Release The Hounds, 1/2
Author: KanedaX
Fandom: X-Men Movieverse
Spoilers: X3, New Mutants volumes I-XII (see above)
Rating: R for language, suggested nudity, and graphic violence
Pairings: Theresa/Remy
Summary: Magneto hatches his plan, and the Xavier Academy will never be the same
Notes: This ( Read more... )

fanfic, xmen, newmutants

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Comments 1

madderbrad May 6 2008, 02:34:55 UTC
Oh my goodness, well written! Right now I'm extremely worried about the good guys.

Mastermind's ability to put Emma in her own little universe is honestly terrifying. I don't know if he could do something like that in the comics, or whether that's your own invention care of his increased powers post-cure? But why single her out? He could shroud the mind of every inhabitant at the school, and then the villains could just walk up to each one in turn and cut their throats or something?

Like I said last comment, I can't see how the X-Men can prevail when the bad guys have such amplified abilities now.


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