Oct 13, 2006 12:45
Okay, so...
There's a lot of stuff I want right now.
Some of it might be quite expensive.
And its 2 months till Christmas.
What's a man to do?
Narrow his choices, of course.
In the next 2 months, I promise myself I will by nothing for entertainment value beyond:
- Final Fantasy XII
- Guitar Hero 2
- Pokemon Diamond or Pearl, if they should happen to come out before Christmas
- One (1) used game using my 20% off coupon at GameCrazy, which expires on the 1st
- Transformers Classics (cuz no one's buyin them for me, anyway)
The Wii's tempting, as well, but I think I'll wait till a little more software comes out first.
Ya hear that, self? No X3, or any other movies. No CD's. No "oh, what the hell?" video game purchases.
Guitar Hero's gonna cost me 80 bucks, and I might sell some of my other games to let FFXII stretch a little further.
I'm not as concerned with money as I was when I was saving up for the condo, but, yeah... choices must be made.
Either that or I'm getting nothing but socks this Christmas.